Friday, December 14, 2007

Indiana State Museum

So we have been pretty busy - sorry it has been so long since I posted an update. Baby, it is cold outside so up go the Christmas decorations. For some reason we decided to finish our lights at night. Here is Ella all bundled up.

And Ethan as proud as can be of his snowman.

We went to the Indiana State Museum and ate at the Ayers Tea Room. They have a replica inside the Museum of the old Tea Room that the downtown Ayers used to have. After we ate the kids got a little gift from the Tea Room. It was pretty cute - we used to go to the real Tea Room when we were little and got little gifts back then also. Then we went to go ride on the Train. Boy was that a big hit. Of course the kids had to have Mommy go along. Don't I look a little big for this train?
Then to Santa. The kids are peeking in at the the kids in front of us telling Santa what they want for Christmas. We have been very diligent about telling the kids about the real meaning of Christmas and how everyone is having a HUGE birthday party for Jesus. Hopefully they understand that it is not about reindeer, Santa, and gifts. So here they are all excited and ready to tell Santa what they want for Christmas.
Now, Ella is not so excited anymore. She never did tell Santa what she wanted.The whole family picture. This was the only way to keep Ella from balling her eyes out.
Here is the whisper "I want a car and train".


Shannon said...

Oh I wanted to go here too. I remember doing it as a little girl too!! Now, I'll have to go. Sophie would LOVE the train ride!! You guys look like you are having a great winter!! Love, Shan

Jenni said...

what fun pictures! we were hoping to make it to the train at the state museum but we are running out of time. I hope you have a wonderful christmas!

Janel said...

How cute! I love them! You look great in that train, too, Tia! Maybe you are a little big, but it was sure fun, I bet:)

Jennifer Andrews-Schafer said...

We LOVE your family Christmas photo with Santa! So cute - Mr. Santa scared poor little Ella!! But Ethan wanted to make sure he got his order in :) Love you guys!

The Liller Family said...

Great pics girlfriend! And don't tell me you HAD to go on the train and slide - I know better!!! ;o) We're planning on going to the Children's Museum, but I guess I"m going to have to learn about the other great things Indy has like the train at the State Museum - that looks fun too!!! See ya at MOPS!!!

MacFadyen Clan said...

Wow! i'm soooo happy to hear that they recreated the Ayres tea room! that was my fave holiday memory... the little toy, the train ride! awesome.