Monday, June 9, 2008

I told you she makes us laugh.

In my last post I told you Ella makes us laugh all the time. Of course the funniest picture I could not post but I can tell you about. Ella was back in her room and out she comes -- I hear a "clomp, clomp, clomp". I then look and see a very proud little girl. She has undressed herself to only weiring her underwear and then put on purple dress-up shoes and a fuzzy crown on her head. She was all smiles and thought she looked beautiful. Here are 2 more pictures where Ella really thought she was beautiful and one that...
I came around from the garage and found Ella "helping daddy" (although daddy did not need any help). She was just off on her won cutting down a tree. I could not help but laugh.This picture is a bitter sweet one. She looks sweet but boy is she being naughty. It is about 9:30 at this time. An hour and a half after she was first put to bed. Ella has the tendency to prolong her night time routine and comes out of her room over and over and over and over again. She always puts her little head on the hall floor, her bottom in the air, and her feet in her room. After she is finally asleep we laugh about her persistence. Boy are we in for it when she turns 13??!!


The Liller Family said...

Yep, you are gonna have your hands full when she gets older!!! Cute, cute, cute pictures though!

Janel said...

She looks so different with pink or black hair!!! Cute stuff!!! I miss you all!!!!