Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Christmas Part 1

So, I have been just awful about my blog lately. I see the last blog was back in October. So - give me a little time and I will try to catch up but for now here is a little bit of our Christmas and Ella's birthday.
We made a gingerbread house.
Ella girl in front of the tree.
I was able to get together with three of my best friends from High School. We went from 4 to 11 (one child is missing from the picture). Ethan and Ella with his Teacher Miss Patti at their Christmas party. Ethan loves his teacher and I highly recommend her for anyone. She teaches the 4 turning 5 pre-k class.
And a little love at the Children's museum.Faith, Ella, and Ethan at the Indiana State Museum. They have a replica of the Aryes Tea Room (those of you who grow up around here know what I mean). They also have the train that I rode on as a child. They celebrated their 50 years this year!!

Ethan, Julianna, Faith, and Ella.Cookies for Santa.This is just part one of Christmas. Hopefully more later today.


Jenni said...

Glad to see you back!! yay! Cute picture of the high school girls- now i wish jonah was in the picture :) looks like you guys had a great christmas! (and it looks like Blake had a blast at the tea room- HA!)

Two Kids and a Mommy said...

Lexie had the same christmas dress with the reindeer! I heard about the Bat incident..oh my....Can't wait to get started on our group after the new year..Love to you

Jennifer Andrews-Schafer said...

Your Florida family thanks you for the photo update! Looks like you've been busy & having lots of fun! Great photos - can't wait to see you in just a month!!

The Liller Family said...

Awesome pics - did Ella grow a ton of hair recently or what??? I remember when she barely had any! We have to get together soon - we're about 2 months past due!!!

Samantha said...

welcome back! i loved all the pics. i especially love the hug at the children's museum. let's get together soon, okay? we're healthy right now, and if you all are too, we should do it before the next wave of cold and flu hits! :)

Jennifer said...

Hey, Christina! Great photos! Looks like you had a blast with your sister and her family over Christmas. It was so good seeing you and visiting! I wished we all lived closer so we could do it more often. Thanks again for paying for my lunch! ;)

Lindsey said...

It was great to catch up with you this week! I especially love Ella's cute little face as she stands in front of the Christmas tree! Too cute!