Monday, February 4, 2008

When I get big....

Since I do not keep a journal, this is my journal. Today Ethan told me "Mommy, when I get big, I want to be a fireman." I then ask Ella what she wanted to be and she said "princess mommy - oh no dancer." Could they be more different -- Ethan is such a boy and Ella is such a girl. Of course we all had hopes and dreams for when we got older. I remember always saying that I wanted to be just like my mommy - I wanted to be a mommy. Well, I sure got my wish. What about you and your kids? What did you want to be? Did you accomplish that? What do your kiddos want to be when the get big?


The Liller Family said...

That's a tough one! I really can't remember what I wanted to be when I was little. But my kids' professions keep changing. Evan wanted to be a professional baseball player last time I checked, Grant wants to be a football player or monster truck driver, and Blake is currently crying on my lap - so who knows!!! ;o) Great question though - can't wait to see some more answers!

houseofeling said...

I definitely did not want to be a designer. My mom volunteered at the church doing the "decorating" and I just hated going with her to the church to "put up christmas". I remember that my sister jayme wanted to drive a school bus so she could open the bus door. We still tease her about that today. Piper currently wants to be a horsey rider...